Model of the square
A square, in Czech lands often called “rynk”, has always been a centre of a town. Since the founding of the town, the best places of the square belonged to the most famous and richest citizens. The shape of the square used to be most often a triangle, square or rectangle. Although the square was the most important part of a town, a level of hygiene and a nice look started to be taken as an important thing not until 15th century. This is the period of time when paving appeared.
The typical look of the Late medieval house is a multi-storey building
There were several sections – cellar, ground floor which served as a place for pub, shop or craft, and living rooms which were located on the first floor. It was possible to go through the town during rain and not to be wet, because arcades were parts of houses.
History of a house - oral history.
Archiv pomocného historického materiálu MRB
České město ve středověku…
Veduta města Boskovice z roku 1728. AMB, fond V 3, Knihovna Mitrovského, Hofferiana, sbírka vedut moravských měst. Boskovice.…