Meč z doby lucemburské

Medieval sword

Generally, we could say a sword is one of the most typical and oldest weapons in the world. It was possible to cut or stab. A sword was considered to be a symbol, for example in the Bible, in which it symbolizes power and law in. We believe that the main age of swords was the period until the 17th century because later swords were replaced by firearms.

Celtic sword

The Celtic sword comes from the western Europe. It is interesting that the same head was found near Boskovice. It is taken as a matter of fact that these heads were made in the same metallurgical centre, which is an evidence of  "cross-border" trade in this period of time. 

Sword in this exhibition

The sword which you can see in our exposition was made and used (probably) during the reign of the Czech king Jan of Luxembourg. It was found near our museum. It is thought the sword is connected with capturing of the local castle by Jan of Luxemburg because the owner of the castle rebelled against the king.  Among other military objects which you can see in this room we count helmet, parts of arrows or hedgehogs.  

A passage from Zbraslavská chronicle in Latin describing the siege of the Boskovice castle

...a zde je překlad této pasáže do češtiny.
Pozn.: Kronikář se dopustil drobných chyb, např. Jimram nebyl bratrem Artleba z Boskovic, je však možné že byli příbuzní jiným způsobem.

Meč s popisky
Sword edges
Cross guard

How to use a single-handed sword?

How to use a hand-and-a-half sword?

A replica of the hand-and-a-half sword (the original one - the 15th century, central Europe)
Author: Jindřich Figura

A detail of the reconstruction
Author: Jindřich Figura.

Replicas of objects found in Choceň
Author: Jindřiich Figura

Used sources

Konstam, Angus: Historical Atlas of the Celtic World. London 2003. 

Žitavský, Petr: Kronika Zbraslavská = Chronicon aulae regiae. Praha 1952.

Osobní archiv Jindřicha Figury

Klučina, P. 2004: Zbroj a zbraně Evropa 6. - 17. století, Praha – Litomyšl

Vich, D. 2006: Regionální muzeum ve Vysokém Mýtě. Katalog archeologické sbírky I – II. Zprávy české archeologické spoečnosti – Supplément 74. Praha.

Žákovský, P. 2009: Dlouhé meče ze sbírek muzeí v Chocni a Vysokém Mýtě. In Archeologické rozhledy LXI – 2009. 509-523.

ŽÁKOVSKÝ, Petr a Zdeněk SCHENK. Středověké a raně novověké zbraně Přerovska: zbraně a zbroj od kolapsu Velké Moravy do konce třicetileté války. V Přerově: Muzeum Komenského, p.o., 2017. ISBN 978-80-7524-012-5.