Kosher or kashrut

Kosher or kashrut

Kosher or kashrut literally means ritual ability, meaning the religious validity of an object according to Jewish law, especially in the case of food.

What is and is not kosher is determined by the Torah. Although a supporting hygienic argument is often mentioned in connection with kashrut - to avoid perishable food, the real reason for its existence is the simple need to obey God. Kashrut serves as a constant reminder of Judaism and as a school of religious education for children. It creates a distinctive lifestyle and raises the daily consumption of food to a spiritual level.

The Bible law states which living creatures are allowed to be eatened and which are not. The indicators of permitted animals are halved hooves and ruminants (beef, sheep, goats ...), for example pigs, horses, rodents, carnivores ... are excluded. Domestic poultry is allowed, while predátory birds, scavengers and others are excluded. It is allowed to eat fish that have fins and scales at the same time, all reptiles, amphibians, molluscs, crustaceans and insects are prohibited. Of the kosher animals, those showing signs of disease are prohibited. Strict rule is the prohibition of blood consumption and a ritual slaughter is prescribed to rid the animal of the blood and minimize the suffering and pain and stress.

The main rule of kashrut is a law prohibiting the eating of meat and dairy foods at the same time. This rule is based on the biblical ban on eating goats cooked in his mother's milk. Therefore, there are separate dishes and kitchen utensils for meat and dairy foods in Jewish households.

Other food laws also include the inspection of fruits and vegetables to prevent insects, the use of approved wine, the exclusion of anything fermented on Passover, etc.


Svíčková? Kosher or not?

Svíčková is traditional Czech meal, which cannot be kosher due to a combination of meat and milk conitaned in creamy sauce.

And what about...semolina pudding?

Semolina pudding is kosher if you choose kosher milk.

What are the rules for eating kosher?

  1. It is allowed to eat mammals that are artiodactyl and ruminant.
  2. Only fish with scales and fins can be eaten.
  3. Poultry is OK.
  4. It is forbidden to eat animals that eat other animals.  
  5. All kinds of incest are forbidden.
  6. Amphibians and slithering animals are forbidden.
  7. All products made by animals that are not kosher are forbidden, except for honey.
  8. Meals containing milk and meat must be separated.
  9. All food that is not defined as milky or meaty are neutral and can be combined with whatever.
  10. Animals must be ritually killed by a special slaughterer.
  11. An animal must be killed by one single cut of its neck.

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