
How fossils were created?

Fossils, remains of prehistoric organisms, inform us about life on the planet Earth before thousands and millions of years. We can talk about fossilized bodies od plants and animals very seldom. More often, we can see imprints of their bodies into today's rocks. In this part of our exhibition, you can see Mesozoic fossils of extinct amphibians (Stegocephali) or a cephalopod (Ammonoidea).

How fossils were created?

1. A living creature (bivalve) dies and their shell remains to lie on the bed of the sea.

2. The shell is covered with sediments and also its inner space is infilled with sediments (for example with sand).

3. Because of the pressure of overlying stratum of sediments, the shell is reinforced.

4.  The imprint of the shell remains in the rock even though the shell does not exist anymore.

Evolution of cephalopods

Remains of fossilized corals

We would like to show you one of the newest discoveries - remains of fossilized corals. They were found near Borotín and it is supposed they are 15.5 million years old. 

Although it is rare, it is possible to find not only imprints of bodies but also shells of bivalves.

Other shells of prehistoric animals

There you can see how the fossils are created and which types of fossils we distinguish